Plans submitted for redevelopment of Tuam Stadium

Galway Daily sport Tuam Stadium awarded €90,000 under sports capital grants

Plans have been submitted to the county council for the next stage of the redevelopment of Tuam Stadium.

Tuam Stadium Development Committee is seeking retention permission for the work that has already been undertaken this year, and approval to go ahead with the next stage of construction.

The application currently with the council is for the retention of the new dressing rooms already built, and complete plant room facilities for referees and match officials, and terracing.

The new dressing rooms for Tuam Stadium opened in February after spending nearly ten years in the works.

Planning permission is also being sought to build a new roof over the old stand, as well as terraced area which include press area, toilets, shop, storage, control room, and a hospitality area.

The rusty metal roof over the exiting stand has long been considered an eyesore.

This planning application also includes plans for upgrade works to the existing stand.

The work on redeveloping Tuam Stadium got a welcome shot in the arm last December when local businessman and staunch GAA supporter Joe O’Toole agreed to finance the project.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on this planning application by July 15, submissions can be made to the council until June 26.