An Post to roll out zero emissions vans by 2020.

Galway Daily news Kinvara post office

Postal delivery vans in Galway city will be making deliveries zero emissions by 2020.

As part of a modernisation of its fleet, An Post plans to have 750 zero emissions vehicles in its urban fleet by 2022.

The scheme is starting this year, with all deliveries in Dublin city centre going zero carbon emissions by the end of the year.

Two hundred new vans are expected to come online this year in the first phase of the change.

In the year after that, zero emissions vehicles will be rolled out in Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, Waterford, and Cork in 2020.

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton announced the change this week as part of the ‘Post Eco’ plan to eliminate carbon emissions by 2050.

Other actions being taken under the plan include trialing electric car charging points at post offices and installing solar panels.

Altogether, its project that initiatives being introduced in 2019 will save 1,000 tonnes of carbon annually.

David McRedmond, CEO of An Post, said that as they make the shift in focus from old mail to e-commerce, “sustainability has to be the guiding principle for the business.”

An Post is transforming for generations to come: as a major employer with a huge fleet footprint, this demands responsible climate action with this commitment to carbon-free delivery.”

Announcing the plan, Minister Bruton said that state and semi-state bodies have to take the lead by showing they take sustainability seriously.

This announcement, he said “shows that An Post is taking the lead and recognising the urgency of taking action in adapting to the changes that are needed.”