World leaders in heart health join Galway based cardiac institute

Galway Daily news World experts join Galway heart health institute

Two of the world’s leading cardiac experts in have joined a heart health initiative led by Croí Galway.

Professors David Wood and Bill McEvoy have both joined the National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health established by Croí Heart and Stroke charity to promote research and preventative care for heart disease.

The Institute was first set up in 2014 as an affiliate of NUI Galway, where both men have also taken positions.

Professor David Wood is coming to Galway fresh off a stint as President of the World Heart Federation.

He will be working as an Adjunct Professor of Preventive Cardiology at NUIG after moving from the Imperial College London.

Prof Wood said that he looked forward to collaborating with Professor McEvoy on promoting innovative science and research, and improving teaching programmes for students studying cardiovascular care.

“Preventive healthcare must become both a national and global priority,” Prof. Wood said.

“Prevention through promoting healthier lifestyles, and treating the major risk factors like blood pressure, lipids and diabetes, is the only realistic way to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke.”

He will be working alongside Prof. Bill McEvoy who is returning to Ireland from John Hopkins University to take up the post of Professor of Preventative Cardiology at NUIG.

He will also be working as a Consultant Cardiologist for Galway University Hospitals and Research & Medical Director at the NIPC.

Prof McEvoy said that Ireland has a proud history of innovation and leadership in the field of heart health.

However he warned that, “like much of the developed world, we now face major challenges in curbing the negative health impacts of obesity, diabetes and an increasingly sedentary western lifestyle.”

Despite advances in care, cardiovascular disease remains the number cause of death in Ireland, he added.

To drive that down the NIPC aims to develop a national and international centre of research and education in preventing cardiovascular disease and promoting heart health.

Key to that work will be promoting collaboration in the fields of cardiac research and education with experts at NUIG and Galway’s hospitals.