What steps can Galway businesses take ahead of Brexit?

galway daily EU TD on Ireland in the EU

With Boris at the wheel in London steering the United Kingdom into a no-deal Brexit, there are concerns about what this will mean for Irish businesses.

An East Galway TD has offered six practical steps that businesses in Co. Galway can take now ahead of the end of October when the UK will leave the EU.

Minister Ciaran Cannon says the Government still believes that the best way to protect the Good Friday Agreement and avoid a hard border is to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement, including the backstop.

The Galway East TD said: “It is the only solution currently on the table that delivers the outcomes that everyone, including the UK, wants to achieve and in the absence of the Withdrawal Agreement, there are no easy solutions.

“Regardless of Brexit, there are some preparations that are good general business practice.

“These include diversifying markets, reducing exposure to currency fluctuations, and registering with Revenue for new customs numbers.

“There are a number of steps that businesses in Galway, large and small, can do now which include:

·         Registering with Revenue for a customs number (EORI number).

·         Making contact with your UK suppliers.

·         Checking to see if your suppliers use the UK as a landbridge.

·         Reviewing your supply chain.

·         Checking if your business relies on products or services that are certified for compliance with EU standards by a UK body.

·         Engaging with any trade representative body of which you are a member.