Status yellow weather warning issued for Galway

Galway Daily weather Weather warning for heavy rain and possible flooding now in effect

A weather warning is in place for Galway and all of Ireland today as heavy rain is expected throughout the day with a chance of flooding.

“Heavy thundery downpours will give high totals of rainfall in short spaces of time today/early tonight leading to localized spot flooding,” the weather warning from Met Eireann says.

Along with the rain and a chance of flooding, Met Eireann has said that there is a chance of thunderstorms later today.

The weather warning came into effect at 6am this morning and will remain in place until 3am on Saturday.

The rain is forecast to die down somewhat in Galway on Saturday before picking up again on Sunday and continuing into next week.

Temperatures today are expected to reach 16 – 18 degrees today in Galway, with weekend highs late on Sunday of 20 degrees Celsius.

People out on the water today are urged to take care as a marine warning states that southwest or cyclonic winds will reach force 6 or more today on coasts from Carlingford Lough to Roches Point to Erris Head.

Southwest veering West to Northwest winds will reach force 6 or more later today and for a time tonight on coasts from Carlingford Lough to Roches Point to Erris Head.

An environmental warning has also been issued for “weather conditions conducive to the spread of potato blight expected along Atlantic coastal counties Friday and this weekend.”