Young singers to raise money for charity at special concert in city

concernt with young singers enable ireland galway daily

St Nicholas Collegiate Church in Galway city is set to host to two talented choirs of young singers in February, all for a very worthy cause.

The award-winning Oxford High School Choir from Michigan and Coláiste Bhaile Chláir School Choir from Claregalway will perform at 5pm, Monday 11 February, to raise money for Enable Ireland.

The Michigan Youth Choir will sing all genres of chorale music including popular hits such as ‘You Raise Me Up’, ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ and ‘Amazing Grace’, while Coláiste Bhaile Chláir School Choir with sing as Gaeilge and in English, accompanied by musicians.

Enable Ireland provides services to 600 children both in the city and county with physical and sensory disabilities.

The charity uses the Social Model of Disability where the focus is on the child, and not the disability.

There are no tickets as the concert is free and there will be a collection at the end in aid of Enable Ireland Galway.