Older people urged to make use of Senior Alert Scheme

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Older people in Galway are being urged to consider making use of the Senior Alert Scheme which provides a wearable, monitored alarm for personal safety.

The Senior Alert Scheme is meant to allow older people to have peace of mind in their own home by having a monitor alarm pendant or bracelet which is wirelessly connected to a broadcast unit like your phone home and monitored for alerts.

Galway East TD Seán Canney has said that older people in Galway should consider making use of the scheme, which is was launched by his Department for Rural and Community Development in November 2017.

Deputy Canney said that people who don’t have a landline may also be able use a SIM card with the system.

“Providing they check with their supplier first, using a SIM card costs €5 a month which could mean a saving on line rental costs.”

“It also may be possible to use the Telephone Support Allowance offered by the Department of Social Protection to help pay for the SIM card if people meet the criteria for that benefit.”

There are currently 41 community, voluntary, and non-profit groups in Galway alone which are registered with Pobal to provide equipment for the SAS.

The full list of organisations in Galway that will help someone get set up with the Senior Alert Scheme can be found on pobal.ie.

In 2018 roughly 19,200 applications were made to the Senior Alert Scheme, with an approved expenditure of €7 million.