Rural Co. Galway could benefit from €1b regeneration fund

rural co galway

Towns in East Galway could benefit from the €1 billion regeneration development fund announced earlier this year, which is now calling for projects to be put forward for consideration.

An initial fund of €315 million is being made available from 2019 to 2022.

Sean Canney TD says the aim of the fund is to support projects which will have an impact on sustainable economic and social development in rural areas.

Proposals under the fund must demonstrate a collaborative approach between two or more organisations.

The Fund will be open to Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, State Agencies, Government Departments, Philanthropic funders, the private sector and communities.

The lead party in the applications must be a State funded body.

“The opportunity is here to begin the regeneration of towns in East Galway by preparing and implementing projects in a unified way.

“Tuam and Ballinasloe are eligible to apply for funding under the Urban Regeneration fund or the Rural Regeneration Fund while all other towns in the county can apply under the Rural Development Fund.

“This funding call is delivering on the programme for Partnership Government which was agreed after the last election, which I welcome,” said Sean Canney TD.