Emergency Department at Portiuncula Hospital “extremely busy” today

Galway Daily news Emergency Department at Portiuncula Hospital highly overcrowded

The Emergency Department at Portiuncula University Hospital is extremely busy today and people are being asked to attend the A&E only in the case of real emergencies.

The hospital has seen a significant increase in the numbers of patients presenting with respiratory and flu like illness.

Patients with flu require isolation to prevent the spread of infection and this has presented a significant challenge.

The hospital is taking actions to alleviate the waiting times for patients requiring hospital admission, including additional reviews, early discharges and deferral of elective non urgent procedures.

A statement from Portiuncula Hospital said that it regrets the delays experienced by our patients.

A spokesperson said: “We would like to remind the public that we encourage them to attend the Emergency Department only in the case of real emergencies and they should contact their GP or GP Out-of-Hours service in the first instance.

“Also, the Minor Injuries Unit at Roscommon University Hospital can treat a wide range of minor injuries in adults and children over the age of 5, including broken bones, dislocations, sprains, strains, wounds, scalds and minor burns that will not need admission to hospital. The Minor Injuries Unit is open from 8am to 8pm, seven days per week.

“We would like to thank our staff who are working extremely hard during this busy and difficult time.”