Three months of N63 roadworks begin next week

Galway Daily news Traffic disruption expected from Galway City centre roadworks

Significant roadworks on the N63 in Ballygar will start next week and take roughly three months to complete.

Roadworks on the N63 in Ballygar will be focused on improvements to the crossroads of the Main street, Killeroran Rd and Lower Main St to make it safer.

The road safety works will commence next Monday, March 11 and continue into mid June.

Work that will be taking place includes planing out parts of the existing road, putting down overlay and applying wearing course, drainage and footpath works, as well as applying road markings and installing reflective studs.

Galway county council has awarded the contract for work on the Ballygar Safety Scheme to the Tuam based company John Madden and Sons.

A traffic management plan will be in place for the duration of work on the road safety scheme.