GRETB invites applications for teaching positions in the next academic year

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The Galway Roscommon ETB is currently accepting application for teaching positions in Galway for the academic year starting next September.

Qualified teachers are currently invited to apply for post primary and further education teaching positions “which may arise within GRETB schools/colleges/centres during the academic year 2019/2020″.

Application forms can be found and submitted through the GRETB website has more information about the requirements for these positions.

Anyone who is the final year of a degree or diploma course which will lead to a teaching qualification but has yet to sit exams/receive results may also apply for any vacancies, though job offers are subject to the applicant meeting the requirements of the position.

Those who apply for positions at a gaelscoil are required to hold the Ceard Teastas Gaeilge, Teastas Gaeilge do Mhúinteoirí Iarbhunscoile or the Irish requirement as per Circular Letter 21/00 issued by the Department of Education and Skills.

The deadline for applications to be in is midday on April 29, and any applications received by then will be valid for consideration by the GRETB until November 1.