Task Force to be set up for Galway social housing delivery issues

Galway daily news Galway receives over €1 million to refurbish vacant social housing

A Task Force is being set up in Galway to tackle difficulties in delivering social housing targets.

Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy announced the Task Force this week when he published the amount of new social housing delivered in each council area in 2018.

According to Minister Murphy there were 21 new social housing units built in Galway city last year, with 66 more built in the county.

Three void homes in the city were renovated along with 10 in the county.

The city council acquired a further 28 existing homes to add to its housing stock and the county council acquired 27.

There were 30 homes in the city in the Rental Accommodation Scheme, with 537 recorded under the Housing Assistance Payment Scheme.

In Galway county just six new homes were recorded under the RAS with 352 recorded as part of HAP.

All told, Minister Murphy said 8,422 homes were added to Ireland’s stock of social housing last year.

Minister Murphy said that the new Task Force for Galway will help to address “significant delivery challenges” that have been endemic in the west.

The Housing Delivery Task Force will be led by former Secretary General at the department Ms Geraldine Tallon.

Ms Tallon is current leading a similar task force in Cork which has helped Cork City Council deliver 117% of their build target and Cork County Council 126% of their build target according to the Department of Housing.