Very heavy traffic across Galway City this evening

Galway Daily news New access roads needed at Roscam Estates to combat heavy traffic

There are very heavy delays across the city this evening; the AA say that wet road conditions could possibly be adding to the delays.

There are long delays crossing the city from the Browne R/A on Seamus Quirke Rd, over Quincentenary Bridge right through to GMIT on the Dublin Rd.

Traffic is very heavy both ways on Bohermore between Prospect Hill and Cemetery Cross, with the Tuam Rd is also very slow in both directions between here and the Bóthar na dTreabh jct, with inbound delays back to Two Mile Ditch.

Bóthar na dTreabh itself is busy approaching the Tuam Rd jct from the Terryland side, and in the other direction approaching the Kirwan R/A and onto the Headford Rd.

The Headford Rd has heavy delays both ways too; inbound from the Kirwan R/A to Woodquay, and in the opposite direction from University Rd to the Bodkin jct.

Traffic is busy from Parkmore onto both the Monivea Rd and Tuam Rd.