Even more planning permission needed to renovate Old Tuam Library

Galway Daily news Work to start next month on Tuam Intreo Centre

Another round of planning permission has been demanded before renovations before renovations on the old Tuam library building on Shop Street can proceed.

The former Tuam library building has been lying vacant for a number of years and plans had progressed to bring it back into use,

Planning permission had previously been granted under the Part 8 process, but the Chief State Solicitors Office decided this planning not appropriate in this instance.

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection has been leasing the building from the county council for a number of years.

Galway East TD Seán Canney has confirmed that department will lodge a fresh planning application with Galway county council this week.

It plans to outfit the three storey building as a set of local office facilities for the departments use.

Despite this delay Deputy Canney said the project will move ahead quickly, “The Planning will be in place in early 2019.”

“The tender documents are all prepared and is expected to be re-tendered immediately following the receipt of the new Planning permission.”

Despite this the Independent TD admitted he was frustrated by the delays caused by the interrupted planning process around Tuam library.

“It is important that we consolidate the office of the Department in one building in Tuam,” he added.

“It is also positive for Tuam to have a building of this stature and location re-opened to the public. I will continue to monitor progress to ensure a successful conclusion.”