Barna, Oranmore and Galway City to benefit from €2.3m Irish Water investment

Galway daily news Water outages in multiple areas of Galway due to burst mains

€2.3 million will be invested to develop Drainage Area Plans for Galway City including Barna and Oranmore which feed into the Galway City network, Hildegarde Naughton TD has confirmed.

The investment by Irish Water will help to improve the performance of the wastewater network, protect the environment and facilitate social and economic development over the coming years.

The Galway West Fine Gael TD announced that contracts have recently been signed by the utility and RPS Environmental Management Ltd to carry out extensive surveying and mapping of the existing wastewater treatment network in these areas.

Parts of the network date back to the start of the last century and much of it has never been mapped previously.

The information gathered from this project will allow Irish Water to identify areas where urgent repair or upgrade work is required and to effectively plan its investment in the wastewater treatment network.

Eunan Canavan, Capital Programmes Regional Lead with Irish Water, said: “This work is part of Irish Water’s commitment to protecting Ireland’s waterways and coastal areas and ensuring that the wastewater infrastructure is in place to support population growth and economic development.

“Much of the sewer network is in poor condition due to its age and decades of under-investment. In addition, only a small portion of it has been accurately mapped and assessed to determine its condition.

“Data gathered from this project will allow us to improve the wastewater treatment network across Galway by identifying the areas most urgently in need of upgrading and allowing us to plan our investment so that we can meet the needs of these Galway communities now and into the future.”

The works will involve using CCTV to survey and assess the condition of over 42km of sewers, mapping an estimated 2,000 manholes, and monitoring the wastewater and rainwater flows in the network.

The surveys, which will get underway in August 2018, will be focussed on key areas such as flooding locations, pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants, areas of predicted future growth and locations experiencing operational issues at present.