Appeal against Claregalway housing development withdrawn

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

An appeal lodged with An Bord Pleanála against a Claregalway housing development has been withdrawn.

K King Construction secured planning permission for a 39 unit housing estate at Summerfield, Claregalway from the county council in January, which was later appealed by a third party.

The estate will consist of two 4-bed semi-detached houses, twenty two 3-bed semi-detached houses, three 3-bed terraced houses, and twelve 2-bed terraced houses.

Access to the new estate will be through the existing Riveroaks estate adjacent to it, linking onto the N83.

Parking for the new housing will be achieved through 78 car parking spaces, two for each house.

Last September the county council made a request for further information from the developer requiring that a Road Safety Audit and a Traffic and Transport Assessment be carried out.

These were submitted by K King Construction on December 4.

The Residents Association of River Oaks made a submission to the county council which said that the storm drains in the area are already insufficient, and that the estate regularly floods, which they said this new development will make worse.

They said that no insurer will guarantee the homes that already exist in the area.

But a Flood Risk screening assessment prepared by the developer said the entire site is in a Low Flood Risk zone.

Galway county council ultimately granted planning permission with 16 conditions attached.

Since this housing estate will be located inside the Gaeltacht eight of the houses must be reserved for Irish speakers for the next 15 years.

In addition, under Part V planning requirements four of the units are reserved for social or affordable housing.

An appeal was lodged with An Bord Pleanála by Riveroaks Residents Association against the decision to grant planning permission.

The appeal said that it is “difficult if not impossible” to obtain home insurance in this area, and that the construction traffic through Riveroaks estate would pose a hazard to children.

But that objection was withdrawn after meetings with the developer and the E.G.M of the Residents Association, clearing the way for the development to move ahead.