Heat and power alternatives are needed before introducing carbon tax

carbon tax hildegarde naughton galway

More heat and power generation alternatives are needed before introducing carbon taxation of €80 – €90 per ton, a Galway West TD has said.

Fine Gael TD Hildegarde Naughton, who is Chair of the Climate Action Committee, said that the cross-party committee is reviewing the entire State response to Climate Change.

“The Committee must outline a roadmap towards carbon pricing in its report in January,” she said, adding that Ireland needs to do more to tackle the issue of climate change.

Deputy Naughton added: “Ireland has not done enough. No doubt about that.

“But any solution needs cross party support as the choices to be made may not be faced up to when difficult decisions have to be taken.

“We need to have an agreed pathway to reduce our carbon emissions in place no matter what party is in Government.”

She said that they cannot force people into fuel poverty by introducing a significant price of carbon increase where no alternatives to fossil fuels are available.

“There needs to be a substantial increase in alternative forms of heat and power generation before we could introduce such a large tax increase.

“If we have alternatives in place by 2030 it is very conceivable that the cost of carbon could increase to €80 or €90 per metric ton, or even beyond.

“This would then serve as an incentive to use more carbon efficient forms of heat and power generation,” added Deputy Naughton.