UHG holding remembrance mass for bereaved parents

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A special remembrance mass is being held by UHG for the parents and families who have experienced the loss of a child.

The Children’s Remembrance Day Committee at UHG is inviting families who have experienced the death of a child to remember their loved ones in a special Mass of Remembrance, which will take place this Sunday, June 9 in the Holy Family Church, Mervue at 2.30pm.

The theme of this year’s mass is ‘Remembering’ and the guest speaker will be Caroline Flaherty.

Chairperson of the Children’s Remembrance Day Committee, Mrs Margaret Duignan, says, “There is a need for a special day for parents and families to share their grief.

“I would encourage anybody that would like their loved one to be included in this special Mass to contact us in advance. Support lets the bereaved person know that there are people there that they can call on.”

Committee member Susan Massey, says, “Any death especially that of a child upsets a family. Parents are robbed of the joys and expectations that go with parenthood and siblings also feel cheated of the chance to get to know their little brother or sister.”

“This Mass of Remembrance offers family members the opportunity to come together and share their grief in an understanding and empathetic environment.”

The Children’s Remembrance Day Committee was formed 23 years ago.

Every year a special Mass takes place for those who have died and the Books of Remembrance will be available for viewing after Mass.