City Council opens funding applications for upgrades to community centres

Galway Daily news City Council opens funding applications for upgrades to community centres

Galway City Council is inviting funding applications for grants to improve community centres and other community buildings in the city.

Grants funding will be provided under the Community Enhancement Programme for the maintenance, improvement and upkeep of important community facilities.

Applications should relate to one or more key priority areas identified in the Galway City Local Economic & Community Plan 2015 – 2021 which can be viewed online here.

The programme can fund or partially fund larger scale projects to address disadvantage, while some funding is ring-fenced to provide small capital grants of €1,000 or less.

These smaller grants are meant to help get grassroots projects up off the ground.

The city council suggests that projects to improve local community centres which would be eligible for funding include:

  • Upgrade of community building
  • Development of community facility
  • Energy efficiency upgrade
  • Signage
  • Equipment
  • Training Equipment
  • Safety Equipment
  • Adaptations or equipment needed as a result of COVID-19

The Community Enhancement Programme, which was created in 2018, provides capital funding to community groups which seek to improve facilities in disadvantaged areas.

The programme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development, which has launched a new €5 million fund as part of the

Applications can be completed online and guidelines are available to view at

The closing date for applications under the 2020 CEP for Community Centres and Community Buildings is Friday, September 18 at 4pm.