Applications open for businesses to apply to COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme

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Applications for the €2m COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme have opened which offers funding ranging from €10,000 to €40,000 to businesses looking to move online.

Eligible businesses in Galway have been urged to apply for the new Enterprise Ireland scheme, which will give successful applicants financial support of up to 80% of project costs.

Minister Ciaran Cannon said that the most recent economic report from the digital agency Wolfgang Digital has highlighted an increase of some 58% in web traffic for the online retail world.

“I therefore welcome the confirmation that the new Enterprise Ireland €2 million COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme to support retail companies to enhance their digital capability has gone live and is now open for applications.

“This new funding mechanism is open to indigenous retailers with a physical store and who employ 10 or more people, to help them develop a more competitive online offer in response to the COVID-19 crisis and successful applicants will receive financial support of up to 80% of eligible project costs, with funding ranging from €10,000 to €40,000 under the competitive call,” said the East Galway TD.

Applications are open until 3pm on 27 May 2020.