Weather Warning in effect with possible coastal flooding today

Galway Daily weather Rough weekend forecast as weather warning issued by Met Eireann

A Status Yellow weather warning for strong winds and possible flooding is in place for Galway today.

The wind warning issued by Met Eireann for Galway and Clare will be in effect until 5pm on Friday evening.

There will be very strong and gusty winds today, Met Eireann has warned, with the possibility of coastal flooding.

A marine Gale Warning is also in effect for western coastal waters from Mizen Head to Loop Head to Erris Head today.

Southwesterly winds will reach gale force at times today, with the yellow warning in place until 7pm on Friday.

It’s forecast to be a miserable day all round in Galway on Friday, with rain developing this morning and persisting throughout the day.

Highest temperatures on Friday of 8 to 9 degrees, with winds easing off heading into the night, but remaining moderately strong.

Conditions will improve over the weekend, with only scattered showers on Saturday and Sunday, and some sunshine amidst cloudy skies.