Two weather warnings issued for Galway by Met Eireann

Galway Daily news Weather warning for continued heavy rain in Galway

The weekend is going to get off to a rough start in Galway, as two Status Yellow weather warnings have been issued by Met Eireann for Friday night.

Met Eireann has issued weather warnings for heavy wind and rain to hit the west coast of Ireland overnight on Friday, but hopefully clearing by Saturday morning.

Up to 40mm of rain has been forecast for Galway on Friday night, with higher accumulations in mountainous areas.

“This will bring a risk of localised flooding and heightened risk of flash flooding in mountaineous areas,” Met Eireann has warned.

South to southwest winds will reach mean speeds of 50 to 65 km/hr overnight on Friday, with gusts reaching up to 110km/hr. Winds will be strongest in coastal exposed areas.

The rainfall warning for Galway and Mayo will be in place from 9pm on Friday night until 9am the following morning.

The wind warning has been issued for counties Donegal, Galway, Mayo, Clare and Kerry. This will be in effect from 10pm on Friday night until 7am on Saturday.

Galway has been enjoying a rare sunny day today, so enjoy the clear skies while they last, as conditions are forecast to deteriorate tonight, with more rain heading into Friday morning.

That is expected to clear up by tomorrow afternoon however, and there will be some more spells of sun to enjoy during the most cloudy day, before the weather warnings come into effect that night.