Sub zero temperatures expected in Galway this weekend

Galway Daily weather Met Eireann issues fresh weather warning for Galway

The bank holiday weekend promises to be mostly dry and clear for people looking to celebrate, but also promises to be cold with temperatures below 0 expected in Galway.

The mercury will drop below 0 here on Saturday night, with the weather promising to be particularly cold inland.

Apart from that, the weather is expected to remain dry after some light rain earlier today, with wind also dying down to a light variable breeze.

Sunday also promises to be bright but chilly, with temperatures as low as -3 degrees in places in a frosty morning, with some patches of fog also expected.

Highest temperatures of 7 – 9 degrees on Sunday afternoon, with a mix of cloud and sunshine, with a light to moderate southeasterly breeze.

Sunday night, while not as cold as tonight, will also see temperatures of approaching 0 degrees in places, though warmer in coastal areas.

Bank Holiday Monday promises another improvement according to Met Eireann, with clear skies and sunshine after a somewhat hazy morning.

Aside from some light scattered showers in the early afternoon, the day also promises to be dry, with highest temperatures of 8 – 10 degrees.

Conditions will continue to improve next week according to Met Eireann’s longer term forecast, with sunny skies currently expected for much of the week.