Met Eireann issues weather warning for blistering sun in Galway

Galway Daily news galway weather sun

It’s shaping up to be an absolute scorcher of a week, so much so that Met Eireann has issued a weather warning for High Temperatures in Galway.

The weather warning for Galway and five other counties says that temperatures on Thursday could rise to more than 27 degrees during the afternoon.

It’s been a hot one all week as temperatures today have been peaking at around 24 degrees and people are out enjoying the sun at the beaches.

The warning issued if for Galway, Mayo, Clare, Cork, Kerry and Limerick, and will be in place from 1pm to 7pm on Thursday.

It’s a far cry from the usual manner of weather warning people have come to expect for Galway that typically promise nothing but wind and rain.

Things will cool off a bit tonight, but not by a lot, with lowest temperatures averaging around 17 degrees in Galway, but a moderate breeze should hopefully take edge off when people are trying to sleep.

According to Met Eireann there will be some light cloud early tomorrow, but giving way to clear sunny skies with a fresh easterly breeze in the mid afternoon.

The hot conditions, mixed with a very humid atmosphere over the weekend have created troubling environmental conditions which have prompted Met Eireann to put an environmental warning in place.

The weather forecaster has cautioned that current conditions are conducive to the spread of potato blight.

As strong as the sun might seen in Ireland right now its nothing compared to mainland Europe where people are bracing for a record heatwave.

France is now expecting temperatures to peak at a deadly high of 45 degrees this week, putting many people at risk

What’s especially worrying about this heatwave is how early it’s coming, well ahead of the late July/August period where records are usually set.

The forecast blows well past the highest ever temps recorded in June which were set in the 2003 heatwave that contributed to 70,000 premature deaths in Europe.