Gale warning in place for western coastal waters

Galway Daily weather Weather warning for heavy winds to hit Galway this weekend

Met Eireann has issued a fourth weather warning for gale force winds on western coastal waters as Storm Elsa is expected to bring rough conditions today.

The Status Orange Gale Warning from Met Eireann warns of extremely rough conditions on all Irish waters this afternoon.

Conditions will become even worse off the west coast this evening, with winds forecast to reach Storm force at times.

“Southeast gales or strong gales today on all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish sea,” the weather warning states.

“South to southwest winds will reach storm force this evening and tonight on coasts from Mizen Head to Slyne Head to Malin Head.”

A total of four weather warnings are in place today as Storm Elsa moves north.

Galway is also covered by a status yellow wind warning which will be in place until midnight tonight.

Winds are expected reach 90-110km/hrs, peaking this evening and tonight. Met Eireann has said they may be stronger than this in the west.

A separate rainfall warning covering Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow, Cork, Kerry, Tipperary and Waterford will be in place until 7pm this evening.

The final warning is a status yellow Small Craft Warning for any boats on the water today.