SOCCER: Glenamaddy to Host Futsal Workshop 


The FAI and Roscommon Council are hosting a free Futsal Workshop for clubs, coaches and parents. 

The workshop will take place in Glenamaddy Community College Hall  from 7pm until 9pm on Thursday 1st November 2018.

The evening will be a sharing of info on the “Beautiful Game” and with the purpose of setting up Futsal Centres in the clubs for the u8, u10 and u12 age groups in both boys and girls to run through the winter months.

Monthly Blitz Days will be set-up to allow the children put their training into practice.

Futsal is the UEFA Official version of indoor 5-a-side football using the basketball court markings for the pitch and also using the specially designed Futsal Ball with less bounce.

If you want to avail of this Free Workshop please book your place by emailing Adrian Carberry:

Please bring suitable gear to take part in a friendly Futsal Demonstration in the hall.