Galway United joins call for clarity on FAI supports for football clubs

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Galway United has joined a nationwide call by football clubs for the FAI to provide information on what supports, including financial, are available for a safe return to football.

The call was made by Galway United along with other football clubs in the First Division Alliance on a call with the FAI on Friday.

Under Phase 2 of the roadmap for reopening the country from COVID-19 lockdown, groups of up to 15, including trainers and coaches, may return to non-contact outdoor training activity.

However a return to playing matches is not permitted in this phase of the plan.

The FAI released its own Safer Return to Training Protocol earlier this week, which contains a series of public health and safety protocols for affiliated football clubs returning to training on or after June 15.

A statement from Galway United on their return to the pitch stated:

“Whilst the financial challenges are significant, we are also very aware of the positive impact a return to football would provide for the health and well-being of all involved in our club and wider community.”

“As such, the safety of our players is of paramount importance to the club in this decision making process. We are actively working with other FDA clubs to try to ensure a safe and successful return.”

“We now need some time to consider our options and explore all avenues possible for this to happen.

“We acknowledge and thank all involved for their efforts in the discussions so far, and appreciate your patience and continued support as we work through what is a challenging and complex environment.