Galway’s Cliodhna Moloney shortlisted for Women’s Rugby Player of the Year

Galway Daily sport Cliodhna Moloney Rugby Player of the Year

Galway native Cliodhna Moloney has been shortlisted for Women’s Rugby Player of the Year 2020 at the Zurich Irish Rugby Players Awards.

The Kilconly woman has been nominated alongside for Women’s XVs Rugby Player 2020 alongside Linda Doujang and Edel McMahon, which will be announced on Saturday, October 17.

The awards will be broadcast on Virgin Media Two that evening after the Champions Cup Final.

In addition, Connacht’s Ultan Dillane has been nominated for the Contribution to Society Award meant to honour those who have gone above and beyond to help charities and wider society in 2020.

Among the charity work Dillane has done has been acting as a patron for the Galway based dog rescue charity MADRA – Mutts Anonymous Dog Rescue and Adoption.

“It has been a year like no other and Zurich has never been prouder to support the players through the difficulties of these past few months,” said Anthony Brennan, CEO of Zurich Ireland.

“While sport in Ireland is a major contributor to the national economy, it has also been made clear how important it is to the health and wellbeing of so many. 

“As role models, players across Ireland will continue to play a key part in the recovery of the country through their own individual initiative and campaigns such as Tackle Your Feelings. 

“We look forward to showcasing their off-field contributions and celebrating their achievements on the field.