Race in Pink returns for breast cancer fundraising

Galway daily sport Race in Pink returns for breast cancer fundraising

The annual Race in Pink day at the Galway Races will be back this month to carry on fundraising for breast cancer research.

Race in Pink will take place during the October Galway Races Festival on Sunday, October.

Since its launch in 2018, Race in Pink has so far raised over €250,000 National Breast Cancer Research Institute.

A ticket for the day long event gets you admission for the race day, a hospitality badge, a drinks reception, a four course lunch with wine, live music, and a tipster for the horse races if you feel like a flutter.

Tickets for the event cost €120 per person, and are available from www.RaceInPink.ie or call the National Breast Cancer Research Institute office on 091 863 917 or email Ida on hello@breastcancerresearch.ie.