Weekend commentary: What’s with the manic weather?

Galway manic weather

Okay, Galway, I get it. You love change. Why have a boring old sunny day when you can have sun-rain-wind-hail-sun-clouds-snow-sun?

Throw in a rainbow or several and voilĂ ! So much character.

Novelty is great, and you really keep your residents on their toes with this sort of thing.

But this week went too far. Dangling the tantalising carrot of springtime warmth and sun, only to whisk it away and give us cold grey winter again? Pretty rude. I have a lot of laundry that needs drying.

It’s not just my heating bills, either. I miss Galway sunshine, with everybody out and about, meeting and greeting and chatting and drinking.

The city’s vibe totally changes when it’s nice out. And we got that for two whole days before it disappeared again.

In fairness, Galwegians are a hardy sort. They will be out and about no matter what the weather does to them.

I’ve seen clubgoers walking down shop street in freezing midwinter rain wearing skirts and shoes I wouldn’t wear in the heat of summer – indoors.

But everyone is more hurried and harried in the cold. There are fewer relaxing chats and more quick catch-ups, fewer aimless wanderings and more purposeful stridings.

And when winter drags on, even the hardiest residents will eventually give up and wait for a sunny afternoon to day-drink at Neachtains and watch the world go by.

St. Brigid’s day has come and gone, Galway. Irish spring is here whether you accept it or not.

So let us eat al fresco.