Young people in with a chance to win €1,000 with ReelLIFE SCIENCE

Galway daily news Young people in with a chance to win €1,000 with ReelLIFE SCIENCE

Young people with a love of science, filmaking, or both could be in with a chance to win €1,000 for their school or organisation with NUIG’s ReelLIFE SCIENCE @ HOME competition.

ReelLIFE Science asks young people to make a short video, up to a minute in length, exploring any STEM topic, including How Things Work, Climate Action, Healing the Body and more.

The programme is supported by Science Foundation Ireland’s SFI Discover Programme, the Community Knowledge Initiative, the CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices and the Cell EXPLORERS outreach programme.

Dr Enda O’Connell and a team of enthusiastic scientists from NUI Galway have taken it on themselves to organise this competition which is enjoyed by thousands of young people each year.

The best videos will be screened for the public at the Galway Science and Technology Festival on 8 November.

The general public will vote on what they consider to be the most engaging video, that communicates its topic most clearly, and the best video will earn its creator a €1,000 prize for their school or organisation.

“We are delighted to support this initiative, which cleverly combines science literacy and creativity, while providing a great opportunity for young people to be creative in communicating scientific topics from home, while maintaining social distancing,” said Dr Ruth Freeman of SFI.

She added that the competition “encourages young people to connect with the science and technology in their everyday lives, and to bring that knowledge to a wider audience, while promoting current Irish scientific research and development.”

Since launching in 2013, more than 13,000 young people in 400 schools and youth organisations around Ireland have taken part in the ReelLIFE SCIENCE programme.