Works on new football pitch in Corrib Park to begin in March

galway daily news corrib park new football pitch

Construction works on a new grass football pitch in Corrib Park in Galway City are set to begin in the next two weeks.

The pitch is expected to be completed by June, but it will not be ready to be played on for around ten months to allow for the grass to grow.
ML & S Boland Civil Engineering Ltd., on behalf of Galway City Council, will carry out the construction works on the new pitch, which will be used for soccer and other sporting activities.
There will be new temporary access built from the Seamus Quirke Road as indicated on map below.
Access to driveway entrances shall be maintained at all times, and existing trees removed to facilitate the temporary access will be replaced with new trees.
Normal working hours will be: 8am to 6am from Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Galway City Council has apologised for any inconvenience the works may cause to residents.