Work on major upgrade of Galway City water infrastructure to be completed in 2024

Galway Daily news Work on major upgrade of Galway City water infrastructure to be completed in 2024

Construction work on a major upgrade to Galway City’s water infrastructure is due to be completed early next year.

Uisce Eireann is in the midst of relocating the city’s raw water intake facilities on the River Corrib to a new location south of the Quincentenary Bridge.

Works, which began last year, are progressing well with Uisce Éireann’s John McElwaine expecting a completion date of early next year.

“The construction of the intake and transfer water main will ensure that when water levels run low in the River Corrib, that drinking water production at the Terryland Water Treatment Plant for Galway City and environs will be able to continue as normal and consumers will not have their supply interrupted.”

“This project augments existing infrastructure which will safeguard the supply and quality of water to the city for years to come,” added the Programme Manager.

Galway City Council commissioned these upgrades to the existing system after shortages of raw water at the existing intake works occurred in August and October of 2014.

A new Water Treatment Plant with the capacity to treat 55 million litres a day was built in Terryland after the old plant was decommissioned in 2007.

However, the intake works can’t keep up with the new plant, as they only have the capacity for 46 million litres a day.

Coffey Construction Limited is delivering the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann.