Work begins on Ballybane & Castlepark cycle and pedestrian network


Works are beginning this week on the Ballybane Road and Castlepark Road Cycle Network Scheme to improve cycling and pedestrian infrastructure on the east side of the city.

This project will result in the creation of a cycle route along both Ballybane Road and Castlepark Road, as well as upgraded pedestrian facilities and safety improvement measures.

Works begin this week on Ballybane Road, starting near the Bóthar na dTreabh junction and progressing towards ATU.

The second phase of the project will commence in two weeks, with works on Castlepark Road commencing on March 3.

They will begin on the east end of the road near the junction with Ballybane Road, and progress towards Monivea Road junction.

The full development will consist of:

The development will consist of:

  • The provision of a 2m protected cycle track and 2m footpath on both sides of Ballybane Road and Castlepark Road, reducing in places where constraints exist.
  • Reduction in road carriageway widths (typically 3m wide lanes).
  • Junction realignments and the introduction of raised crossings on all side roads to prioritise pedestrian movements.
  • Straight through cycle lane/track crossings on all side road junctions to prioritise cyclists’ movements.
  • The provision of signalised crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Upgrading of the R865 Ballybane Road / L5029 Castlepark Road junction and L5029 Castlepark Road / R339 Monivea Road junction to signalised junctions with provision for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • The introduction of pedestrian and shared crossing points at several locations.
  • The provision of landscaping along the routes.

For more information consult the project’s webpage at