Women invited to grab their running shoes for May’s Mini Marathon

galway daily news cora staunton promoting mini marathon 2024

Former GAA player Cora Staunton is encouraging women across the West of Ireland to grab their running shoes and take on the Women’s Mini Marathon to raise money in support of Cancer Fund for Children.

The 10km mini marathon will take place in Ballina, Co. Mayo on Sunday, 5 May, and registration can be completed through the West of Ireland Women’s Mini Marathon website.

Cancer Fund for Children deliver vital services to children and young people aged 0-24 living with cancer across Ireland.

Their team of Cancer Support Specialists provide informal emotional, social and therapeutic support, at home, in hospital and at the charity’s therapeutic short break centre, Daisy Lodge, in Newcastle, Co. Down.

A second Daisy Lodge centre is currently under development on the banks of Lough Corrib in Cong, Co. Mayo with building work due to commence later this year.

“I am delighted to support Cancer Fund for Children in their fundraising efforts for this year’s Women’s Mini Marathon”, said Cora.

“With a second Daisy Lodge to be built in Cong, Co. Mayo this year, this is the local support the charity needs to make sure that no child faces cancer alone.

“I would encourage as many women as possible to challenge themselves by signing up to run for Cancer Fund for Children.”

For more information on Cancer Fund for Children, visit cancerfundforchildren.com.