Western Alzheimer’s seeks new location to expand Galway City services


Western Alzheimer’s, a charity organisation that provides care and support in the community for families living with Dementia is seeking a new location to expand its services in Galway City.

The charity is seeking to acquire a site on the west side of Galway City (Newcastle/Dangan) to build a new Day Services facility.

The need for a new location comes on the foot of high demand for their services with long waiting lists for families and older people to receive care and support.

The charity, which was formed in 1996, supports in excess of 500 families annually across Galway, Mayo & Roscommon.

The charity currently offers Day Services in West Galway at a temporary location on the grounds of the Sacred Heart Church.

The current service operates in a communal space which often requires to be cleared to cater for other functions at the location.

Western Alzheimer’s has said that they would like to acquire a site, approx. half an acre or more to build a new daycare facility to provide support in the community of West Galway (Newcastle/Dangan).

Demand for services is significant with an extensive waiting list for families looking to avail of Day Services.

Western Alzheimer’s appeal to property holders or businesses in West Galway who may know of or have a property or site available are asked to get in contact with Western Alzheimer’s by emailing: info@westernalzheimers.ie or call 0949364900