Water outages to affect several Galway areas this week

Galway Daily news Ballyconneelly water outages

The Mid-Galway water supply scheme will experience water outages this week due to high water demand and usage.

Irish Water says that demand for water in Tamplecross, Gurteen, Carrabane, Cahertinny, Caherhenryhoe, Attymon and Kiltullagh remains higher than previous years’ average daily demand.

The increase in demand will result in interruptions to supply, reduced water pressure and intermittent supply over the next 48 hours.

Galway County Council and Irish Water apologised for any inconvenience caused to people in the areas affected.

Eoin Hughes of Irish Water appealed to the public on the Mid Galway Water Supply Scheme to be mindful of how they use their water at home, as the temperatures remain high.

“We are appealing to customers to help conserve water by not running taps needlessly, taking showers instead of baths and to postpone using dishwashers and washing machines where possible,” he said.

“Further information on water conservation is available on our website at www.water/conserve.”