Updates to visiting restrictions at Galway hospitals

Galway Daily news

University Hospital Galway and Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe have both issued updates on visiting hours and restrictions amid flu outbreaks.

Galway’s hospitals have been dealing with a significant number of flu patients in their wards, with 43 at UHG alone.

This has led to restrictions in the visiting hours and the number of people who are allowed to visit patients in the hospital.

At University Hospital Galway visiting hours are limited to between 2pm to 4pm and 6pm and 8pm, with only two adult visitors allowed for each patient.

At Portiuncula Hospital visiting times will continue between 2pm to 4pm and 6.30pm and 8.30pm, with only one visitor allowed per patient.

Children and additional adult visitors are advised not to visit patients in hospital except in exceptional circumstances.

For patients with exceptional circumstances, based on compassionate grounds, it may be possible to accommodate additional visitors at UHG.

Visitors are requested to comply with the visiting restrictions and cooperate with hospital staff who are ensuring the restrictions are adhered to.

Given the need to control the spread of infection, the hospitals are appealing to the public not to visit the hospital if they have any symptoms of flu or other respiratory infection.

Masks will be available for all visitors at the entrance of the hospital and visitors are asked to practice good hand hygiene and to use the available hand gel regularly.