Updated EU COVID Certs to be issued from today

galway daily news EU Digital COVID Cert

Updated Digital COVID Certs will begin to be issued from this afternoon to people who have received a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Over 2 million booster jabs have been given so far, and recipients of these vaccines can start to expect their Digital Certs from today – but this may take a number of days.

New EU rules which will come into effect on 1 February 2022 mean that European COVID Certs will only be valid for a maximum of nine months.

Similar expiration rules for vaccine certs for access to indoor dining are not currently planned in Ireland.

Speaking today, Minister Stephen Donnelly said that he is “very pleased” to announce that the EU Digital COVID Certificates will be updated to reflect additional vaccine doses.

“Those who have received an additional dose can expect to start to receive their updated certificate over the coming week,” said Minister Donnelly.

“Ireland’s COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Programme has been a wonderful success, with all aged 16+ eligible to register for an additional dose now.

“Similar to our primary Vaccination Programme, uptake of the booster vaccine in Ireland is second highest in the EU at 57% of the adult population.”