University Hospital Galway under extreme pressure today


University Hospital Galway is warning of long waiting times as the emergency department is under significant pressure today.

The ED at UHG has experienced high levels of attendances this week and there is significant pressure on bed availability.

There were 42 patients in the emergency department for whom no bed was available as of this morning, and another 12 without a bed in the wards.

Saolta acknowledged in a statement that long delays are very difficult for patients and their families and apologised for the inconvenience and distress these delays cause.

In addition to these pressures, the hospital is treating 55 patients with respiratory illnesses including flu, COVID-19 and RSV, with two wards managing outbreaks of respiratory viruses.

Visiting is limited in wards affected by outbreaks and visitors to all other areas of the hospital should be mindful of public health advice.

Chris Kane, Hospital Manager at UHG said, “At this time of year in particular people are keen to spend time with loved ones in hospital, but we are asking anyone who has a cough, cold, temperature, runny nose or sneezing to delay visiting until they no longer have symptoms.”

“By staying at home you will help to prevent the spread of illness, protect those who may be more vulnerable to the effects of these infections and avoid impact on services at a very busy time of year.”

“All visitors to the hospital will be required to practice good hand hygiene and use hand gel regularly, face masks are available for use throughout the hospital.”

“As always we are committed to treating everyone who presents at our ED but we do so strictly in order of medical priority.”

We continue to request that people consider other options for non-emergency care such as Out of Hours GP and pharmacies before attending an ED. Roscommon Injury Unit is open 365 days a year, from 8am to 8pm and treats a range of minor injuries like breaks, sprains, burns and wounds.”