UHG to hold candlelight ceremony in memory of lost pregnancies and infants

Galway Daily news Memorial service Portiuncula Hospital

University Hospital Galway is holding a candle lighting ceremony next Sunday to mark International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day.

This is a day of remembrance for families and individuals who have lost a pregnancy, or an infant before their time.

Helen Byrnes, Chairperson of the Perinatal Bereavement Group and Clinical Midwifery Manager at UHG said:

“While our maternity department is generally associated with happy times for families we are also here when a precious life ends.”

“We would like to invite parents and their families who have experienced grief through the death of a baby to a special candle lighting ceremony in memory of those babies who have died.”

This day, marked around the world, is for those that have been lost to miscarriages, stillbirths, or in the neonatal period.

Last year was the first time UHG invited families to come and share their grief together with a, “wave of light”.

Due to the response the hospital got to last year’s ceremony, it’s been decided to make it into an annual event.

UHG is marking the occasion a day ahead of the world remembrance day, but after the ceremony parents will be invited to take a candle home with them.

They can light that candle at 7pm on October 15 in time with families around the world.

Mary Reidy, Midwifery Clinical Placement Co-Ordinator added, “The ceremony is also a day for reflection and remembrance.

“If you have been affected in someway by this loss, please do come and join us in remembering our babies.”

“It’s also an opportunity for bereaved families to come together to talk and share their experiences over a cuppa.”

The ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 14 at 3:30pm in the staff canteen of the nurses’ home at UHG.

Anyone who wishes to get further information on the candle lighting ceremony, please contact Helen Byrnes on 091 544619 or Eithne Gilligan 091 544219.