UHG celebrates care services for premature births


This weekend marks World Prematurity Day and University Hospital Galway is celebrating that give babies born premature their shot at life.

While the day itself falls on Sunday, November 17, UHG held an event in the hospital for people who have used the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit’s services, or who wanted to know more about what the hospital does in the event of premature births.

Bríd O’Brien, Clinical Nurse Manager at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit said, “The global theme for World Prematurity Day this year is ‘Born too Soon: providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place’.”

“We want to mark the day in order to raise awareness of the challenges of a preterm birth and to celebrate all the babies and parents from Galway and throughout the West and North West who have used the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit services at the hospital.”

As part of the event a display was placed in the foyer of the with an incubator and premature baby manikin, along with a twin cot.

Staff from the NICU were also available to talk to patients and visitors throughout the morning.