Údarás na Gaeltachta launches support schemes for social enterprise

galway daily news udaras na gaeltachta support scheme

Two new support schemes for social entrepreneurship offered by Údarás na Gaeltachta were launched in Ionad na Feamainne in Leitir Mealláin.

The support schemes are for the development of projects relating to social enterprise and business ideas.

Údarás na Gaeltachta has worked closely with Gaeltacht community development organisations in this area over recent years.

Under the scheme, a budget of over €210,000 is available to support eligible projects in the sector.

Funding is also available under the Support Scheme for the development of a business idea linked to social enterprise, with funding of up to €5,000 per project available, in partnership with the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, Director of Regional Community Development and Language Planning, said that social enterprise is invaluable insofar as it empowers communities.

“These projects provide additional services, create profit and essential employment, and strengthen the community development organisations themselves.

“The excellent facility here at the Seaweed Centre in Leitir Mealláin shows how community organisations can undertake ambitious high-quality projects, using the Social Enterprise model.

“These support schemes will make it easier for organisations looking to undertake social enterprise projects for the first time and enable organisations already active in this field to further develop their ideas; we hope that they will encourage community organisations to undertake worthwhile projects in all Gaeltacht areas.”