Údarás na Gaeltachta announces €2.4 million for Galway Gaeltacht projects

Galway Daily news Two Galway women appointed to Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta

Údarás na Gaeltachta has approved investment of €2.4 million in projects creating new jobs at companies in the Galway Gaeltacht.

The investment was approved by the board of Údaras na Gaeltachta at a meeting which took place on Friday, October 30.

The multi-million euro investment is expected to create 30 full-time jobs in the Galway Gaeltacht when these projects are underway.

Údaras has seen its core budget for 2021 increased by €8.13 million, bringing funding for the organisation close to the level it was at in 2021.

An increase of €4.454m in the organisation’s capital budget was announced, giving Údarás a total of €14.45m capital funds for investment in regional development.

The money will also be used supporting Gaeltacht companies affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

A €2.978 million increase was announced for the organisation’s current budget to assist with salaries and pensions, while there was a €700,000 increase for the Community, Language and Community Development Organisations Fund in 2021.

Anna Ní Ghallachair Chairperson of the Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta welcomed the significant increase to their budget at Friday’s board meeting.

She said that it was an acknowledgement of the work carried out by staff and board members over the past few years around seeking an increase for Údarás funding in order to address economic, social and cultural challenges in the Gaeltacht.