Twitter user asks for stories of the Church being ‘C**ts’, gets deluge

Galway Daily sport Female sports stars more likely to get social media abuse

**Language and Trigger Warning (stories of bullying, suicide, physical and sexual abuse)**

Last week Twitter user @RummHammm tweeted a call for stories of the Church being ‘C**ts’ ahead of the Pope’s visit to Ireland:

And he was shocked at the response.

Hundreds of users sent back personal stories – from little everyday injustices to absolute horror stories inflicted by members of the Church on the people of Ireland.

From the seemingly trivial….

…to the increasingly awful, these are memories that have stayed with the victims of the horrific and sometimes downright bizarre treatment by the Catholic Church.

Even celebrities like the Rubberbandits got involved, spreading the thread further:

Many of the stories outlined horrific child abuse:

And some showed backwards and oppressive attitudes towards women:

Other users weighed in:

There were seriously so. many. stories. of abuse, humiliation, hypocrisy, and general awfulness.

These are just a few examples of the stories people told.

And the original poster showed his surprise and horror at the deluge he had unleashed:

Ireland is clearly still reeling from the decades of living under an all-powerful Church.

But as the Pope winds up his visit, it’s important that these stories are told.

People have found an outlet for their emotions and anger – and eventually we will all be able to heal.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing depression, mental health problems, or suicidal thoughts and would like to talk to someone, call the Samaritans at 091 561 222 or visit this website for a list of counselling services in Galway.