Turlighmore hurling club to get new all weather training area

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Turloughmore Hurling club has been given approval for a new synthetic turf, all-weather training area.

Renovations to the club will also include adding a hurling ball wall and flood lights, as well as fencing and other ancillary site works.

The total area of the expansion, when it is completed, will be 2,200m².

Under the conditions of the planning permission granted by the county council, the club will have to make sure that when the flood lights are installed they don’t cause any glare onto the adjacent road that could distract drivers.

The lights will also only be allowed to operate between 8am and 9:30pm.

Turloughmore Hurling Club was founded as the local branch of the newly minted Gaelic Athletic Association back in 1886.

On its 70th anniversary in 1956, the club took home its first Galway Senior Hurling Championship title.

Much of the existing grounds of the club were acquired in 1978.

Plans for the expansion to the club grounds in the townland of Lackagh, Turloughmore were first submitted to the county council towards the end of June.

The county council gave permission for works to go ahead with seven conditions attached