Road closures for two weeks of motorway roadworks

Galway Daily news Traffic delays from N59 roadworks in Galway City

Road closures will be in place for two weeks of roadworks on the M18 motorway getting underway this week.

The PPP operator of the M18 is carrying out resurfacing works along the R458 / M18 Jct 17 junction which are beginning on Monday.

These works will take place each night from 8pm until 6am the following morning.

A full road closure will be in place along the R458 between L4506 (Kiltiernan West, Kilcolgan) & L85664 (Tonroe, Ardrahan), plus M18 Northbound & Southbound Jct 17 on & off ramps.

A full diversion route will be in place, signed & checked for the duration of the closure nightly.