Relief as Caherlistrane school bus service returns  

galway daily news Poll shows one third of commuters in the West would use public transport if it was more affordable

A bus service for secondary school students in the Caherlistrane area will recommence tomorrow, Monday, after they were left without a service to Tuam for over a month.

The students have not had a regular school bus service to Tuam since September and parents were informed to say there would be no bus service for the foreseeable future.

Cllr Andrew Reddington, who has liaised with Bus Éireann over the issue, said that unfortunately, there are no drivers available and Bus Éireann is depending on a private company to do the run which begins tomorrow.

He said that they were waiting for the tour companies to finish their season before it could return.

“I want to thank the bus inspector for that area for liaising with me and working to find a solution and indeed this is something that needs to be addressed at national level, the lack of drivers availability,” sad Cllr Reddington.