Public consultation on city Bus Corridor proposal welcomed

Galway Daily news City Councillor calls for unlimited travel public transport ticket

A public consultation being launched on the proposed Galway City Bus Corridor at the end of this month has been welcomed as a major step in delivering a key piece of infrastructure for the city.

Galway Chamber of Commerce has said that the proposed 4km Bus Corridor on the Dublin Road is a key piece of infrastructure for the city, and that they will be pushing for its expedited delivery.

The multi-modal corridor will accommodate buses, cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists along a route between the Martin Roundabout and Moneenageisha.

It aims to improve journey time for motorists, provide cycling facilities along the road, and improve pedestrian infrastructure in the area.

“For Galway to grow sustainably and be an attractive region we must have exceptional public transport,” said Galway Chamber President J.P Gilmartin.

“This is why Galway Chamber welcomes the announcement that the proposed city bus corridor on Dublin road is going to public consultation, and we actively encourage our members to engage with the consultation.”

While this announcement is welcome, Mr Gilmartin said that Galway Chamber will continue to push for the full implementation of the Galway Transportation Strategy in their ‘Get Galway Moving’ campaign.

More improvements to rail links, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, and park & ride options are “collectively needed” to shift the city from relying on cars, he said.

The Bus Corridor proposal is due to go to public consultation at the end of this month, and will remain open for six weeks.