Gardaí appeal to motorists to slow down at checkpoints

galway daily news "detailed policing operation" for the northwest as Gardaí ask public to comply with health guidelines

An Garda Síochána has appealed to motorists to slow down when approaching checkpoints which have been introcuced to enforce Level 5 rules.

The guards are asking people to reduce their speed and make sure they move into the correct lane when they still have enough time to do so.

Drivers must also obey all road signs on the lead up to the checkpoint – this includes both motorway VMS signs and Garda signs.

“The performance of Garda checkpoints as part of Operation Fanacht has been an essential part of Ireland’s response to reducing the spread of COVID-19 within our communities,” said An Garda Síochána in a statement today.

“As the number of people infected has increased, these checkpoints have become even more important in ensuring the safety of us all.

“An Garda Síochána would like to thank all of those who have listened to the safety messages and have eliminated unnecessary travel.

“For those who must make essential journeys, we are asking them to be mindful that there is a good possibility they will have to go through a checkpoint during the course of their journey.”

The checkpoints are in operation on main routes and motorways.

In particular, Gardaí are urging drivers of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to reduce speed when approaching checkpoints and prepare to stop. They say that by following these simple guidelines, Garda checkpoints can be conducted safely and it will reduce delays.